Thursday, 10 November 2011

Watch It. I'm Reading It.

21. If you had the gift of telepathy, the ability to read other people’s minds, would you use this gift or not? Explain. (Middle East Technical University/93)

Who doesn't wish they could read someone else's mind at least once? You pass someone you don't like very much, and you want to know what they're thinking about you. You're talking to someone and lying about everything you're saying, and you want to know if they know that or not. If a teacher is reading your essay, you could know what they're really thinking about the thing. That would all be possible if we had the gift of telepathy.

If I had this gift, I would definitely use it. My humanitarian use for telepathy would be to see what was really going through some of our leaders heads, and then using that fix things, or make aware what was being thought about in by those great people, and I would try to make the world a better place.

Yet, what I would have the most fun doing with the gift of telepathy, would be getting the grounds for making fun of people, and for bothering them in round-about ways because I knew what they were really thinking. That would be a blast.

Although, there is a big disadvantage. You might speak too soon and ask someone why they're thinking that what you wrote was so bad it could be put in a paper shredder and never thought of again. Or you might yell out that it is indeed a very good piece of art even though it doesn't have perfect lines, which you get you in perfectly good trouble because you're teacher wasn't saying anything at all. The world would think that there was something rather wrong with you.

Assuming you can't choose who's mind you want to read and who's you don't, you'd probably find out a lot of things you don't really want to know. You don't want to find out that the person who you thought was your best friend really thinks you're the most annoying person in the world. That would be a bummer.


  1. It's nice that you regard both the advantages as well as the disadvantages of this gift. It would definitely be horrifying if my best-friend were to think that i was the most annoying person in the world!

  2. Good comparison. But, I'm not too sure if you are more of a want-telepathy person or a don't-want-telepathy person. because it seems like it's a pretty bad thing to be able to read people's mind. So, perhaps, you can make it clearer~
