Saturday, 28 January 2012


A recent suicide car bomb exploded in Bhagdad on January 27, 2012. It left at least 23 dead and around 60 injured. Since Obama started his removal of US troops from Iraq, the attack levels have risen. This particular suicide bomb went off during the funeral of a "Shia man shot dead the day before." A young doctor described it as "horrific but normal." He claimed that because of all the explosions mutilated bodies were just a part of living there.

With a family member currently in Bhagdad, any news of any activity grabs my interest. Because of his position, there are serious precautions taken before leaving the compound. The armored trucks are escorted by more armored trucks, as well as helicopters and dozens of police. Many attacks are aimed at government building because of rising tension. Safety is a large and rising concern in Iraq.

1. Shia
a. The suicide attacker struck as mourners, escorted by police cars, were carrying the body of a Shia man shot dead the day before, police said.
b. one of the two main branches of Islam, followed esp. in Iran, that rejects the first three Sunni caliphs and regards Ali, the fourth caliph, as Muhammad's first true successor.
c. The school does not have a large Shia community.  

2. Mutilated
a. Where the bomber's car had exploded, he saw "human flesh scattered around and several mutilated bodies in a pool of blood''.
b. inflict a violent and disfiguring injury
c. Woodstockers often see mutilated people in the streets when they travel.

3. Engulfed
a. One of Mr Hussein's employees was hurt and, as he took him to hospital, he saw cars engulfed in flames.
b. (of a natural force) sweep over (something) so as to surround or cover it completely 
c. Woodstock students feel engulfed by all the activities that go on. 

Making A Small Difference

4. Select a creative work – a novel, a film, a poem, a musical piece, a painting or other work of art – that has influenced the way you view the world and the way you view yourself. Discuss the work and its effect on you. (New York University)

Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List was a film that effected my way of viewing the world and its people and, somewhat, how I view myself. The film is about a man who begins to realize the horror of the persecution of the Jews during the Holocaust and tries to make a difference for them.

The movie influenced how I view the world because of all the suffering that happens, and how most people do not respond. Living in India, we see hundreds of slums, we see homeless people sleeping in Metro tunnels, and most of us don't do anything to help them. Sitting in traffic in Delhi, you'll most likely be approached by a woman with a baby on her hip asking for money and she goes ignored. I usually roll up the window, or start talking to the person next to me; ignoring the needy.

After seeing the movie, I got to thinking how miserable other people are and how the smallest thing can make them happier. I realized that ignoring them only makes me look selfish. From then on, I dropped money into the outstretched hands or gave food to the kids.

There's little we as one person can do for the world's problems and suffering. Yet what we do does make a difference to the people we help, as well as ourselves. We have the satisfaction of the feeling that we have helped someone, made them happy.